all about Windows Phone! masuk disini.


surya.abidin":gbzmg2mm said:
Monggo,, yg mau share soal Windows Phone..
monggo dimulai dri ente dulu gan..
ane nyimak aj.. :oops:


dimana nih?! ngorbit gak jelas... :D
ane dolo sempet pake dodod pro, osnya win mobile 6. yg skrg dah mobile v brapa ya gan

eh, bero nyang diatas ane, dah sahur blom?


kloning":1wgojqgx said:
eh, bero nyang diatas ane, dah sahur blom?
ud dong, btw pemerintah lebaran kapan yak..?


Kalo skrg udh bukan lagi Windows Mobile, nama'y jdi Windows Phone 7.5, yg terbaru disebut refresh..
OS'y mulus bgt Gan, walopun procie'y cuma single core 1,4GHz, tp boleh diadu sm hpe laen yg procie'y multi core.. :)
Bbtr lgi jga bkal release Windiws Phone 8, udh support muti core procie'y.. Bakal tmbh knceng tuh!


dimana nih?! ngorbit gak jelas... :D
ò_ó":1pbuflqy said:
kloning":1pbuflqy said:
eh, bero nyang diatas ane, dah sahur blom?
ud dong, btw pemerintah lebaran kapan yak..?

besok bero, Minggu, alhamdulillah kali ini pd akur

mohon maap lahir batin ya bero, jg buat bero-bero lainnya, maklum ane kalo ngomong rada oblak, bocor abisss..., maapin yeee...


surya.abidin":ivte7ldx said:
Selamat lebaran agan2 sama aganwati semuanya y.. Maap lahir batin.. :)
tolong dibukakan pintu maap yg sebesar-besarnya.. mohon maap lahir batin bero.. :cry:


Bero2 semua, mau yg cma mmpir ato udh mangkal d thread ini, share dong pengalaman Bero2 semua soal gadget'y, mau henpon, tablet...
WP kan msh bru ni, blm setenar Android, IOs, to BB,, siapa tau kalo share2 pengalaman kita2 bsa nmbah wawasan gt, bukan cma bsa pake gadget doang, tpi smpe tau dlem2'y.. :) sekalian ane mau share soal Windows Phone ni Bero2 semua.. ane pke WP Refresh skrg, pke Lumia 710, dr Februari pke ini puas bgt Bero sama kinerja'y..


surya.abidin":10ei09hl said:
Bero2 semua, mau yg cma mmpir ato udh mangkal d thread ini, share dong pengalaman Bero2 semua soal gadget'y, mau henpon, tablet...
WP kan msh bru ni, blm setenar Android, IOs, to BB,, siapa tau kalo share2 pengalaman kita2 bsa nmbah wawasan gt, bukan cma bsa pake gadget doang, tpi smpe tau dlem2'y.. :) sekalian ane mau share soal Windows Phone ni Bero2 semua.. ane pke WP Refresh skrg, pke Lumia 710, dr Februari pke ini puas bgt Bero sama kinerja'y..

monggo mas bero ga usah sungkan, dishare aj pengalamannya pake lumpia 710..
ane beneran ga teu soal gejet2 ginian bero.. :cry:


Wah klo itu m kyk'y enggak tu Mas Bero,, enggak ngasih tu microsoft'y.. :)
paling banter updatean yg skrg ketambah fungsi internet sharing Mas Bero..
Tapi rumor'y sih nnti WP8 bsa tu file sharing pje blukutut.. Smoga aja bisa,, tinggal nnti upgrade hp'y..
Ngmng2 pke lumia apa Bero??


Microsoft's Windows Phone 7.8

The question of what Microsoft would do for those current Windows Phone users who have generation 1 and generation 1.5 devices like the HTC Titan or the highly popular Nokia Lumia 900 for Windows Phone 8 has finally been answered.

Windows Phone 8’s main features involve new hardware like multi-core processors, NFC and higher resolution displays. Phones like the Lumia 900 cannot take advantage of these new features but Windows Phone 8 also brings additional changes to the Start screen which current users can take advantage of.

In able to ensure that current customers have the best and latest from Microsoft, the company is officially offering Windows Phone 7.8 as an OS upgrade. Windows Phone 7.8 will still be based on the CE kernel and won’t enable advanced Windows Phone 8 features like app and games that use native programming, but it will give current users the new Start screen and appearance of Windows Phone 8.

The new Start screen in Windows Phone 8 has three new elements, including
• Variable tile sizes, including user customizable selection between small, medium and so-called “double wide” tiles
• Removal of the “gutter” aka “the gap” known as the off-centered space to the right of the Start screen. The gutter was a carry-over from the Zune days but now Tiles will be evenly distributed on the Start screen
• New tile colors – yes, while the 10 + 1 model of Accent colors for Windows Phone carried us for nearly two years, Windows Phone 8 and Windows Phone 7.8 will offer a wider selection of colors

Although not being able to directly upgrade to the new NT kernel of Windows Phone 8 may be a bit of a letdown for current users, the Windows Phone 7.8 upgrade should offer new Windows Phone users nearly the same experience considering their lack of advanced hardware.

Update: Nokia just announced Play To DLNA support, Counters for data information, Nokia Music 3.0 and Camera Extras for all current Lumia phones

Artikel aseli disini Mas Bero.. ... y-hardware


Windows Phone "Tango" aka CR3/build 8773 of Microsoft's mobile OS
Here is what's new:
• Call forwarding - forward your calls to a designated number for (1) all calls (2) when I don't answer (3) when I am busy (4) when my phone is turned off
• Call waiting - enable/disable
• SMS delivery confirmation* - on/off
• MMS delivery confirmation* - on/off
• SMS Character set - Reduced (no accents, standard SMS) or Full
• Send MMS acknowledgement* - on/off
• Internet Sharing (aka WiFi tethering)
• Enhanced MMS - Send voice notes, multiple images, video
•Nokia branded Marketplace icon

As you can see, some of those features are pretty great (especially Internet Sharing) but they're also not necessarily "must have" items either, making Tango a minor update, something we've been emphasizing for some time now.

Yg ini aseli'y ini.. ... -lumia-710


Share berita lagi Mas Bero..

What's new in Windows Phone 7.5

The latest release of Windows Phone has hundreds of improvements and new features. Here's a sampling of the smart, the fun, and the just plain cool.

Eager to get Windows Phone 7.5 on your current phone? See how. To find a new phone with Windows Phone 7.5 built in, see Buy.


Some features may work differently or not at all if your phone has 256 MB of RAM. To find out how much memory your phone has, on Start, flick left, tap Settings, and then tap About. For more information, contact your mobile operator.

Some features might not be available in your country or region. For more information, see Feature and service availability.

If you're not seeing all of the features described here, you might not have the latest software update on your phone. For more information, see Phone updates FAQ.


Custom ringtones. You asked for it, we built it—now you can create your own ringtones using MP3 and WMA files. You can even save an audio file from a text message and make it a ringtone.

Visual voicemail. See your voicemails in a list, then listen to them on your phone.

Battery Saver. Not sure you'll make it to the next charge? Turn on Battery Saver to make the juice last a bit longer—you can even set it to turn on automatically when your battery is running low.

Email + messaging

Send a text with your voice. That's right: with Speech, you can text, search the web, and lots more, totally hands- (and sometimes eyes-) free. Your phone can even read you an incoming text, and then you can use Speech to dictate and send your reply.

Better media messaging. Now you can attach multiple pictures and videos—along with voice notes and ringtones—to text messages. You can include a video, picture, voice note, or ringtone in an instant message, too. See how

Threads. Start with a text, and finish in Facebook or Messenger chat (or vice versa). The whole conversation stays in one thread, and all it takes to switch back and forth is a tap. See how

Facebook Chat. It's now built into your phone—you can set it up in Messaging in a few taps.

Conversation view. If you're fed up with deleting emails one by one or sifting through your inbox for related messages, then conversation view—emails grouped by subject—is for you. If you'd rather see your emails individually, you can still do that, too.

Linked inboxes. Juggling multiple accounts for personal or work email? Streamline things by linking them into a single inbox to see all the messages in one view (the accounts will stay separate).

People + social networking

Groups. Groups help you focus on the contacts you really care about—family, best friends, fellow soccer parents. You can pin your top Groups to Start to see everyone's latest status updates and to send quick texts, emails, or IMs to the whole Group.

More ways to share. You've got great new options for posting to social networks from your phone, including Facebook check-ins, video sharing, and sharing a link right from Internet Explorer.

More social networks. Never be out of the loop again: Twitter and LinkedIn are now built into Windows Phone, so practically everything you do on your social networks is a tap away. And don't worry—we've also included new ways to filter all those new contacts and their social updates.

A better Me card. It's all about Me—and the Me card is now one of the most useful spots on your phone for staying in touch with your friends and keeping tabs on your social networks.

History view. Contact cards now show the history of your recent calls, emails, texts, and chats with the person. Just tap in the list to return the call or go to the thread.

Smarter apps

Multitasking. Keep your place in a game while reading email? Check. Listen to music apps while texting? You bet. Many apps can run in the background, so you don't need to shut one down to use another—plus you can switch between open apps in a flash. Learn how

App Connect. Get the app you need—sometimes before you even know you need it. Search the web, and alongside the usual results you'll see apps you can use—like a movie app when you're looking up showtimes. You'll also see photo apps in the Pictures Hub and music apps in Music + Videos.

Improved Live Tiles. The Live Tiles on Start dish up more (and quicker) updates on your apps, and they're also a whole lot of fun—the Pictures Tile animates with a slideshow of your favorite snapshots and Group Tiles flash your friends' latest updates.

More in Marketplace. Marketplace has an ever-expanding lineup of standout apps and marquee games, and it's now easier to find what you want in the online store. So start limbering up those gaming thumbs!

A cleverer calendar. More ways to tame that crazy schedule—view multiple sub-calendars within a single account, see and respond to Facebook events, and create a to-do list complete with due dates and reminders. Your Outlook tasks will show up there, too!

Browsing + maps

Better search. Bing helps you search the web in more ways, with voice search, Music search, and Vision search, which uses your phone's camera to look up product info.

Local Scout. Live like a local! Local Scout, powered by Bing, teams up search and mapping to show you nearby restaurants, shopping, and activities in a single tap, so you'll never feel like a clueless tourist again.

Mall maps. Desperately seeking the food court? Zoom in on the mall in Maps (or go to its Place card) and you might find an indoor map to help you track down the nachos.

Driving directions. Your Windows Phone can get you where you're going by showing you on the map or giving you directions from where you are.

Pictures + camera

Video sharing. Send them in email or post them to Facebook or Windows Live. Learn how

Picture tagging. Your phone automatically detects untagged faces when you're uploading pictures to Facebook or Windows Live—just tap, tag, and post.

Persistent camera settings. Now if you change camera settings—for instance, photo resolution, brightness, or another option your phone manufacturer might have included—you can save them for the next time you use the camera. Learn how

A redesigned Pictures Hub. The Pictures Hub just got more personal, more social, and more fun.

Music + videos

Playlists. Add songs to Now Playing and then save them as a playlist, all on your phone.

Smart DJ. Play Smart DJ mixes on your phone—or if you've got a Zune Music Pass, you can stream them from Zune.

Podcasts. Subscribe to podcasts—audio or video—on your phone.

Office Mobile

Sync with SkyDrive. You can sync your Office docs between SkyDrive and your phone, so you can edit them on your phone now, then edit some more on your computer later.

An expanded Office Hub. The improved Office Hub has more ways to view, navigate, and search for your docs.

Information rights management. Got an IRM-protected email or Office doc? Now you can open it on your phone.

Excel improvements. Excel Mobile on your phone has easier cell selection—just tap and drag—plus AutoSum for quick calculations.

Office 365 integration. Office 365 takes your business to the cloud—and Windows Phone supports Office 365 right out of the box.

OneNote to-do lists. Check off your errands one-by-one with this handy new feature in OneNote.


A revamped Games Hub. Now you can do more in the Games Hub—including track your achievements, dress up your avatar, and get messages from your Xbox LIVE friends.


Internet connection sharing. Turn your phone into a mobile Wi-Fi hotspot by sharing your Internet connection with your laptop and other devices.

Hidden Wi-Fi networks. Now you can connect to hidden Wi-Fi networks (networks that don't broadcast their network name).

My Phone

Manage your phone on the web. Find a lost phone, see your pictures and Xbox stats, reinstall apps, and more on the My Phone page.

Artikel aseli bisa diliat disini Mas Bero.. ... phone.aspx


WindowsPhone dr mulai beeojol'y udh bnyk update2 yg dikeluarin.. Berikut ni sejarahnya Bero Bero semua'y,, update dr teranyar'y ampe paling jadul'y..

Windows Phone update history

We think even great software can always get better. That's why we periodically release Windows Phone software updates to add new features you've asked for and to maximize your phone's performance.

Below is a summary of what we've included in each update so far. The update number refers to the Windows Phone operating system (OS) version. The updates are listed in reverse chronological order (the most recent is listed first).

Because updates are cumulative, when you install the latest update, you'll also get all the previous updates if your phone doesn't have them already. Only updates that apply to your phone will be downloaded and installed.

When it's available, we'll also pass along software from phone manufacturers that improves the performance of specific phone models. If you have questions about what's included in a phone manufacturer update, contact your phone manufacturer.

To learn how to install updates, check if there's an update available for you to download, and determine which version of Windows Phone you have now, see Phone updates FAQ.

Update 7.10.8773.98

Messaging. Adds new messaging capabilities to your phone. You can now attach multiple pictures, videos, audio notes, and ringtones to text messages.

Other quality improvements. Includes many other improvements to Windows Phone.

This update is not available in all markets or for all phones.

Update 7.10.8107.79

On-screen keyboard. Fixes an issue to prevent the keyboard from disappearing during typing.

Email. Fixes a Google mail syncing issue.

Location. Fixes a location access issue. With this fix, the Me feature in the People Hub sends anonymous information about nearby Wi-Fi access points and cell towers to Microsoft only if you agree to allow the Check In function to access and use location information.

Security. Revokes digital certificates from DigiCert Sdn Bhd to address an encryption issue.

Email threads. Fixes an email issue related to Microsoft Exchange Server 2003. With this fix, when you reply to or forward a message, the original message is now included in your response.

Voicemail. Fixes a voicemail notification display issue that occurs on some European and Asian networks under certain conditions.

Update 7.10.7740.16

Email threads. Fixes an email issue related to Microsoft Exchange Server 2003. With this fix, when you reply to or forward a message, the original message is now included in your response.

Voicemail. Fixes a voicemail notification display issue that occurs on some European and Asian networks under certain conditions.

This update is available only in certain markets.

Update 7.10.7720.68

Also known as Windows Phone 7.5*.

Hundreds of new and improved features. Based on your feedback, we've scoured Windows Phone from top to bottom looking for ways to make it easier for you to connect and share with friends, discover and use smarter apps, and tap the power of the web. To learn more about what's included in this major update, see What's new in Windows Phone 7.5.

*Windows Phone 7.5 is the official product name we use to describe this release. However, due to a quirk of software development, the actual OS version is technically identified as 7.10.7720. You'll see both of these names on your phone in Settings > About > More info.

Update 7.0.7392.0

Fix for fraudulent third-party digital certificates. This update includes a critical fix to an industry-wide issue with nine untrusted digital certificates that were issued by one root certificate authority. These third-party digital certificates are used to access popular websites and email portals.

Although this is not a Microsoft security vulnerability, these untrusted certificates may be used to spoof content, perform phishing attacks, or perform man-in-the-middle attacks against all web browser users. This update moves the affected certificates to the "Untrusted Publishers" certificate store on Windows Phone, which helps ensure that these fraudulent certificates are not inadvertently used. For more info, see Microsoft Security Advisory (2524375).

Update 7.0.7390.0*

Also known as the "NoDo" update.

Copy & paste. Tap a word and drag the arrows to copy and paste it on your phone. You can copy text from emails, text messages, web pages, and Office Mobile documents, and paste it anywhere you can type. To learn more, see Copy and paste.

Faster apps and games. Nobody likes to wait. That's why we've whittled down the time it takes for apps and games to start up and resume. It's all part of our focus on getting you to the things you love, easier and faster.

Better Marketplace search. We've streamlined Marketplace search to make it easier to find specific apps, games, or music. Press the Search button in the Apps or Games section of Marketplace and you'll see only apps or games in the results. Press Search in the Music section of Marketplace to search just the music catalog.

Other Marketplace improvements. We've improved the stability of Marketplace while you download apps. We've also improved the experience of downloading apps larger than 20 megabytes, upgrading from trial apps to paid apps, sharing links to apps via email, sorting Xbox LIVE games by release date, and creating an Xbox LIVE account from within the Games Hub.

Wi-Fi improvements. We now display your phone's Media Access Control (MAC) address in Settings. (You might need this info if you try to connect to a Wi-Fi network that uses MAC address filtering. To learn more, see Connect to a Wi-Fi network.) We've also removed the limit on the number of Wi-Fi profiles that you can store and reduced the time it takes to start your phone if you've stored lots of Wi-Fi profiles.

Outlook improvements. We've improved the experience of viewing iPhone photo attachments you receive from a non-Exchange-based email account (such as a Google Mail, Hotmail, or Yahoo! Mail account), using the Global Address List (GAL) when connecting to Exchange Server 2003 using Exchange ActiveSync, and working with email display names that contain brackets (for example, "David Alexander [Contoso]").

Facebook integration. We've improved the experience of syncing Facebook accounts.

Camera improvements. We've improved the stability of switching between camera and video modes.

Audio improvements. We've improved the experience of using a Bluetooth headset to make calls when you're playing music or videos.

Other performance improvements. This update also includes software from several phone manufacturers that improves the performance of specific models. Naturally, if you don't have one of the affected models, we won't install this portion of the update on your phone.

*New phones with OS version 7.0.7389.0 include all of the features and improvements that are included in OS version 7.0.7390.0.

Update 7.0.7008.0

Update process improvements. This behind-the-scenes update improves the update process itself.

yg aseli'y dsini Mas Bero... ... story.aspx


Sekian dlu Bero2semua koran2'y.. Maap y acak2an :D
Moga2 bsa nmbh pengetahuan kita soal beautiful'y windows phone..


Ia tu Bero,, WP paling bagus saat ini.. Nnti dtg WP8 jdi WP kelas2 tu Bero.. Lumia Ane Jd kelas 4.. :'(


surya.abidin":93tewky3 said:
Ia tu Bero,, WP paling bagus saat ini.. Nnti dtg WP8 jdi WP kelas2 tu Bero.. Lumia Ane Jd kelas 4.. :'(

kelebihan WP dibandingin android ap bero..? :oops: