- mimin = Administrator/Site Administrator
- momod = Moderator/Forum Moderator
- maho = homosexual
- gan/agan = boss
- bero = brother
- mas bero = big brother
- lapak = booth/stall
- bukmak = bookmark
- capcay = captcha
- IGO / 160 = Indonesian Girls Only
- bokep = adult/nude movie
whuakakaaaak...., nais inpoh gancrunchyg said:Nice share... But we already knew these.
Keep posting, gan.![]()
pertamax = being the first respondent to a new thread
pekiwan = post on the first page of a thread
kimpoy = marry/make love
lebay = exagerated
toge = big breast
tocil = the opposite of 'toge'
trit = thread
X_X said:pening.... :arrow: .... nginx 502 bad gateway
yreew said:surya.abidin said:X_X said:pening.... :arrow: .... nginx 502 bad gateway
Udh mlai lancar ni kek'y Mas Bero,, tapi sepi banget selapa'y..![]()
Btw yg diatas2 bhs indonesia'y sma bgt sma porum sodara tua,, gmn kalo bkn bhs indonesia yg khas d selapa aja,, jdi bsa jdi ciri khas selapa juga.. :?
Gmn Mas Bero Semua??
cara ngidupin BBcodenya gimana mas bero![]()
idos said:pertamax = being the first respondent to a new thread
pekiwan = post on the first page of a thread
kimpoy = marry/make love
lebay = exagerated
toge = big breast
tocil = the opposite of 'toge'
trit = thread
X_X said:pening.... :arrow: .... nginx 502 bad gateway
sama, ane juga pekiwan mas bero...yreew said:terserah mau ngomong apa yg penting pekiwan :ngacir:
sama2 :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:yreew said:owh, gitu ya![]()