Is there any new information about it? What games will launch with it?
Nusantara Moderator Staff member Joined 5/7/12 Messages 27 Karma 0 8/7/12 #1 Is there any new information about it? What games will launch with it?
rombongan.kancil Selapalapa Joined 7/7/12 Messages 922 Karma 0 From di tengah keluarga 9/7/12 #2 kayaknya TS penggemar Wii... gamer juga ternyata.. mohon maaf, ane ga tau Wii. udah jarang nge-game, kecuali game jadul.. peace ah..
kayaknya TS penggemar Wii... gamer juga ternyata.. mohon maaf, ane ga tau Wii. udah jarang nge-game, kecuali game jadul.. peace ah..
zengraviz Selaput Joined 5/7/12 Messages 296 Karma 0 From Ndak tau nih nggak bawa peta 9/7/12 #3 It looks like wii u will be released at end of 2012 WII u can also confirmed to play wii games too also rumored can play game cube games via wii u virtual console
It looks like wii u will be released at end of 2012 WII u can also confirmed to play wii games too also rumored can play game cube games via wii u virtual console
B BenjaminAhmad Selaput Joined 13/7/12 Messages 191 Karma 0 From Indonesia 14/7/12 #4 waah TS penggemar wii.. dirumah kawan pernah sekali maen wii wii sport... capek maenya gan... kayak olahraga
waah TS penggemar wii.. dirumah kawan pernah sekali maen wii wii sport... capek maenya gan... kayak olahraga